For my AP Art concentration, my concept is about beauty products and their effect on a woman's confidence/way she views herself. I'm trying to have the concentration progress from the woman's natural beauty to something completely artificial and ugly. The first two pieces below represent the turning point and the beginning of the concentration, respectively.
Acrylic -- a monster's creeping out!
Watercolor -- the curiosity and seemingly endless choices you get with makeup.
And then here are some miscellaneous pieces I've done in the past year. Still searching for my own specific style, but it seems when it comes to drawing/pen-work, I favor heavy contrasting lines (see cross-contour, stencil, and ice cream pieces).
Micron Pen (cross-contour lines).
Original stencil printed on a matte medium transfer with acrylic paint -- a statement against our Starbucks overlords?

Micron Pen & Pencil -- experimenting with hand-drawn typography.
You may have noticed that not all of my art is as great as I make it to be on this blog (haha). And you might also have noticed that I quite like painting. ;) I'll be back soon (and hopefully I haven't pulled all of my hair out by then)!
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